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My Introduction

Hello there! My name is Stanley and I was born in Hong Kong and lived in Canada for some years. My first encounter with website construction was back in the days of Yahoo and Geocities, a time when I really enjoyed using Microsoft FrontPage for website building. My website had stunning graphics, diary entries, photos, and cool images for people to click in order to explore into hidden pages. However, when Facebook came out and Geocities was shut down, I began to lose my interest in building a website, as it was also a time when PC gaming started becoming a lot more popular. Moreover, as I took a bachelor's degree in Translation, I was always more interested in how people picked up language as a second language, particularly English and Cantonese. I believe that language is very important in helping us communicate and bond with one another, even though language could only be a tool for communication. Nowadays, it seems as though computer languages are becoming a lot more important, and maybe even more so than human languages, which is why I am back into building a website again. With the amount of free online resources on learning how to code today, I hope that I am not only able to remake my website that I once had in my childhood, but also take it to a much higher and advanced level.

My Dream of this Website

Since smartphones came out, we have been living in a world where people cling onto their cellphones more than anything else, which seems to lessen the amount of real life interaction between people, yet drawing them closer in a way. But is this a good or bad phenomenon? After all, people are still communicating with each other, just not in the usual way they were used to. But what about gaming? Parents would probably be the first ones to say that computer games are bad for our children. Not only is it bad for our eyes, but also they can be really addictive and make us forget about our studies. So are computer games and studying really don't go hand in hand? After I've taught myself some programming, I found out that programs are often just loops and are designed to make people "stuck in a loop". Ironically, I still find myself gaming on my IPad quite often because for most of us, we probably need time to chill and do things that help our brains relax, don't we? So for the majority of us, I really don't think our love with computers will ever diminish, as we have basically grown up with them as our companions. But perhaps what we can do is to make people become fascinated with computer programming so they can come together and do something productive with code, in addition to just knowing how to use the computer to play games. In fact, this is what the world is doing right now, as we can see from all the online resources on programming and the coding camps that people have established all over the world. Learning how to code is still difficult for many people though, but I think people can start their coding journey by making a simple personal webpage that they can show to their friends and family. Out of all the online resources that I have seen on making websites, I have not come across one that teaches you how to make stuff that are simple, fun, and interactive, from the most basic kinds of code. Therefore, I aim to use this website to fascinate people with the cool things that IT can do with just very simple code, so that people can easily make wonderful things of their own for enjoyment.

My Hobbies

I have always had a keen interest in studying how people pick up language, especially during my years studying for a bachelor's degree in Translation (English and Chinese). Out of all the resources that I have seen on helping people attain proficiency in a language, such as International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), Sociolinguistics, and Politeness Strategies for the English language, I think that nothing is as effective as placing people in an environment where people speak the particular language because most people tend not to be serious about language learning unless they are in a situation where they are forced to speak a particular language. Nowadays, the English language seems to be the one crucial language to learn for work in this increasingly global community, but at the same time, culture also tends to influence us and may make us want to learn more or less of a language. Even though the English language usually associates with people of a higher socio-economic class, it is actually not always a language that everyone finds a connection with because most of us are born with our own mother-tongue languages. Part of the reason is that different languages have different senses of humour, which I think really defines us because nobody wants to speak a language that is not interesting to them. As for myself, even though I am fairly proficient in English, I find that the Cantonese language is often more interesting because of its colloquial tone and vocabulary that can express emphasis in a humourous way. At the moment, I think there are still very few resources that promotes the Cantonese language to Western people, which is why I have decided to make quizzes for them in this website. So maybe one day, I can also make a mobile app that is both educational and fun for Western people to learn Cantonese.

Career Aspiration

If I told you that I want to be the next Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, you would probably be rolling on the floor laughing. These prodigies found their passion in technology at a young age, but for me when I was small, even though I was not that smart and hardworking, I was incredibly absorbed in building a website when I had nothing to do! However, I never thought that I would go into the the IT industry after graduating from a Translation major at university because I thought that I would do something related to language. At that time, IT also seemed like a job with much better prospects and development opportunities. But eventually, I did make the decision to come back to language after a few years in IT due to my passion in language, but at least I learned a lot of useful skills in programming that I can use to market myself as an English tutor! I now really enjoy using this website to do blog writing and make language learning games for my students and friends!

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