My Introduction
Hello there! My name is Stanley and I was born in Hong Kong and lived in Canada for some years. My first encounter with website construction was back in the days of Yahoo and Geocities, a time when I really enjoyed using Microsoft FrontPage for website building. My website had stunning graphics, diary entries, photos, and cool images for people to click in order to explore into hidden pages. However, when Facebook came out and Geocities was shut down, I began to lose my interest in building a website, as it was also a time when PC gaming started becoming a lot more popular. Moreover, as I took a bachelor's degree in Translation, I was always more interested in how people picked up language as a second language, particularly English and Cantonese. I believe that language is very important in helping us communicate and bond with one another, even though language could only be a tool for communication. Nowadays, it seems as though computer languages are becoming a lot more important, and maybe even more so than human languages, which is why I am back into building a website again. With the amount of free online resources on learning how to code today, I hope that I am not only able to remake my website that I once had in my childhood, but also take it to a much higher and advanced level.