Attn: If you think code-mixing is an art or a language that deserves recognition, please download the app below and submit your examples with definitions or explanations.

Attn: If you think code-mixing is an art or a language that deserves recognition, please download the app below and submit your examples with definitions or explanations.
Definition: A code-mixing term used by overseas educated Hong Kongers to refer to the day that work must be handed in and finalised.
E.g. 老闆:下次知道要搞咁耐就早D返公司喇。 下屬:你話有野要交比個客睇,但係冇話過係deadline喎。
E.g. 老闆:今日係deadline,做唔完野要OT。 下屬:D野一早就做哂喇。
Definition: Pronounced as 'peen-tah', An a lot more linguistically efficient way of referring to printer in Cantonese.
E.g. 內地人:個打印機喺邊呀? 香港人:咩話?三個字咁累贅。叫返printer啦唔該。
Definition: Used to refer to setting things up (設置) in Cantonese.
E.g. 伙記:等我set好張枱先再叫你入黎啦。 客人:好呀。
E.g. 個server set up左未呀?
Definition: (adj) A noun-turned-adjective code-mixing term used to describe the degree of a friendship.
E.g. 你係咪同佢好friend架?
E.g. 喂,你唔好扮哂好friend咁喎。我都唔係識左你好耐。
E.g. 其實我同你唔係好friend。
Definition: A code-mixing term used by upper class Hong Kongers to express how serious a matter is and is no joke at all.
E.g. 鍾培生:Sign the fxxking contract. No bullshit let's go.
Definition: (verb) A code-mixing term that refers to describing a matter as something else, especially in politics.
E.g. 鍾培生:阿林作好鍾意將件事spin到同政治有關。
Definition: A salutation often used by overseas educated Hong Kongers to ask how somebody is doing. However, it is also often overused by Fake ABC's to strike a western impression on others.
E.g. 喂,sup man?
E.g. 偽ABC:Sup man, sup, sup, sup...人們:得喇。唔好成日唔係又sup又喺到sup啦。好煩呀。
Definition: A more sophisticated way of expressing chance (機會) in Cantonese, as the English term denotes prospect for advancement or success.
E.g. 好多謝貴公司今日比呢個opportunity我地黎做個presentation.
Definition: Often overused by Fake ABC's in Hong Kong for creating a western appeal, especially when they lack English vocabulary.
E.g. Actually,我都要D時間諗下先。我過兩日再覆你。
E.g. 朋友:我地係咪約好左聽日去睇戲呀?你:Actually,我聽日唔得閒。
E.g. Actually,你講既野都有D道理。不過我唔同意。
Definition: Usually placed at the start of a clause or sentence, this is a code-mixing term used by native Hong Kongers to replace the phrase '無論如何', meaning 'no matter what' in Cantonese.
E.g. 我知你好忙,但anyhow,你一定要幫我。
Definition: A term used by native Hong Kongers to divert one topic to another in a polite manner.
E.g. 係呀,個proposal已經搞掂了。Anyway, 我兒家要去開meeting。
Definition: A posh way of saying that you admire someone's work or effort, in order to show your high social status or higher education background.
E.g. 我好appreciate你個idea. Well done.
E.g. 我好appreciate你做既野。不過,你都唔可以迫我accept你個apology。
Definition: A polite way of addressing a stranger, usually a much older person, when you meet them for the first time. (Also see 'uncle')
E.g. 哈佬Auntie,你好呀!
E.g. 仔仔,快D叫聲Auntie啦。
Definition: (verb) To reserve something, such as an appointment or place, without sounding like it's a date.
E.g. 請問你幫我book左個appointment未?
Definition: A code-mixing phrase used by native Hong Kongers to avoid seeming as if you have almost forgotten to mention something.
E.g. By the way, 你可唔可以幫我搞掂埋呢份proposal?
E.g. By the way, 你今晚幾時得閒呀?
Definition: A code-mixing term used by native Hong Kong businessmen to refer to something that they give a damn about, as the equivalent terms '在乎' and '關心' in Cantonese sound too romantic or loving in a professional setting.
E.g. 我唔care你要OT到幾多點,總之要幫我搞掂。
E.g. 其實我都好care我既員工既福利。
Definition: A generic code-mixing term used for a number of Chinese words meaning 'case', in order to maximise communicative efficiency.
It is often used with the word 'follow' in the classic Hong Kong code-mixing example of 'follow下個case'.
E.g. “喂,阿John。同我follow下個case得嗎?”(個案)
E.g. 今次呢單case好似唔簡單。(案件)
E.g. 呢個病人個case睇嚴重D喎。(病情)
E.g. 我明白你個case。(情況)
Definition: (noun) A word used instead of the Cantonese equivalent to denote the meaning of casual wear.
E.g. 同事: 聽日著casual得喇,知道嗎?
Definition(2): (verb) A word used to tell another person to be casual, informal, and relaxed.
E.g. 今日食飯casual D得喇。(隨便)
Definition(3): (adj.) A word used to describe something as being informal, such as an event.
E.g. 我聽日要去個casual既聚會。(非正式)
Definition: An alternative way of referring to someone who's getting on your nerves, as the equivalent term '挑戰' in Cantonese sounds too much like a real duel or battle and hence too provocative to use.
E.g. 老闆:夠喇。你唔好係到挑戰我。你:我幾時有挑戰過你呀?!
E.g. 老闆:夠喇。你唔好係到challenge我。你:*silence*
Definition: A code-mixing term used by upper class Hong Kongers who have more than a regular habit of drinking champagnes.
E.g. 今日係禮拜五晚,我地黎支champagne嗱?!
Definition 1: A noun-turned-adjective code-mixing term used to describe how charming or attractive a person is.
E.g. 喂,你覺得佢好charm嗎?
E.g. 你今日著得好charm喎。
Definition 2: A noun-turned-adjective code-mixing term used to describe how poor (慘) someone is.
E.g. 今次考試肥左真係好charm。
E.g. 做到扒左喺到咁真係charmcharm豬。
Definition: (adj.) A euphemistic way of saying 'cheap' in Cantonese.
E.g. 喂,你唔洗咁cheap嘛?
E.g. 你正cheap精黎架!
E.g. Cheap到咁樣,我真係第一次見。
Definition: (verb) A more suitable term for the Cantonese equivalent word '檢查', which sounds too formal and serious, like doing a body check.
E.g. 同我check吓份文件好嗎?
E.g. 每次考試時記住double check份卷。
E.g. 同朕check吓!(From a classic Hong Kong TVB Episode)
Definition: Often pronounced as 'kam', this is a code-mixing term used by grassroot class Hong Kongers to refer to the English term 'claim'.
E.g. 請問讀完個course有冇得kam返d錢架?
E.g. 請問d飯錢可唔可以問返公司kam架?
Definition: Pronounced as 'car' or 'car屎', this is a code-mixing term used by grassroot class Hong Kongers to refer to the English term 'class'.
E.g. 喂呢間餐廳好high car屎喎。
E.g. 今日洗唔洗著到咁high car屎呀?
E.g. 唔好成日扮到咁high car啦。中左六合彩咩?
Definition: A shortened code-mixing term meaning 'compromise'.
E.g. 香港人:我地雙方要com吓先得,OK?內地人:說什麼?香港人:COMPROMISE。
E.g. 你:我知道我地好多野都唔係好夾,不過我地com吓咪得囉。朋友:我com你老X!
Definition: A term that seems to originate from the English culture and can hardly be replaced by the Cantonese equivalent term '常識'.
E.g. 喂,你咁快就落搭,有冇common sense架?
E.g. 一睇就知係搵笨啦,你有冇common sense架?
E.g. 你好似有常識,不過冇common sense。
Definition: A code-mixing term used by overseas educated Hong Kongers to refer to the day that work must be handed in and finalised.
E.g. 老闆:下次知道要搞咁耐就早D返公司喇。 下屬:你話有野要交比個客睇,但係冇話過係deadline喎。
E.g. 老闆:今日係deadline,做唔完野要OT。 下屬:D野一早就做哂喇。
Definition: A way to sound more certain and less hesitant when your friend/boyfriend/girlfriend is asking you whether you want to do something with him or her.
E.g. 朋友: 聽日去唔去睇戲呀? 你: Depends啦。
E.g. 女朋友: 係咪聽日去shopping呀? 你: Depends啦。
E.g. 女朋友: 係咪聽日去shopping呀? 你: 睇下點啦。 *啪!*
Definition: A code-mixing term that is often misused by Fake ABC's to mean 'jot down'.
E.g. 老師,唔該等一等。我要drop down埋D notes先擦黑板。
Definition: A jubilant, nonchalant way of showing off to your friends. Used together with 'juice' in Cantonese.
E.g. 哎呀!今次唔洗溫書都實pass啦!Easy汁啦!
Definition: Pronounced as 'N-call', this is a code-mixing term used to get the performer to sing one more time at the end of a concert.
E.g. Encore!!!我今次要encore到爆為止!
Definition: A euphemistic way of refering to the end of something, as saying something is at a final stage is considered bad luck in Cantonese sometimes.
E.g. 唔知佢end up會做D咩呢?
E.g. 上次個project end up成點呀?
E.g. 佢上個暑假end up左去台灣。
Definition: A word used by Hong Kong people to express absolute affirmation, which is comparable to 'Bingo!'
E.g. 係喇,係喇。Exactly!
E.g. 岩喇!呢個就係我exactly想講既野。
E.g. 我唔係太get你exactly想講咩。
Definition: A generic term for a number of different Chinese words of equivalent meaning, sometimes used to tone down your directness and also to maximise communicative efficiency.
E.g. 老師: 老師唔expect你100分,不過盡左力就得喇。(要求)
E.g. 朋友: 今日係我生日。我expect你都比下面掛。(預料)
E.g. 我冇expect過今次考試會考成咁。(預期)
E.g. 上司對你冇咩expectation,總之搞掂D野就得喇。(期望)
Definition: A chic way of saying the word 'feel' in Cantonese, in order to avoid sounding old-fashioned.
E.g. 晨早樓樓係到食薯片,好唔岩feel喎。(noun)
E.g. 喂,你今日著成咁,好MKfeel喎。 (noun)
E.g. 我feel到佢對我有意思。(verb)
E.g. 我對你已經冇哂feel喇。 (noun)
Definition: A shortened term of the word 'confirm' in English, used to maximise communicative efficiency and to get the listener to confirm ASAP.
E.g. 下個月個party既日期firm左未呀?
E.g. 你下次個appointment firm左未呀?
E.g. Firm左未呀?快D啦。
Definition: A classic code-mixing term often used with the word 'case' to get someone to follow up on something in a professional manner.
E.g. 唔該同我follow吓個case呀。
E.g. 呢個case follow成點呀?
Definition: A useful alternative if your boss is tired of hearing the word 'somehow' when you want to avoid saying 'I don't know' to a question.
E.g. For some reason個file corrupt左。
E.g. For some reason個printer壞左。
E.g. For some reason今次個客唔搵我地。
Definition: A code-mixing term that is used when you really care not to offend someone.
E.g. Frankly speaking呢,我覺得你唔夠quali囉。
E.g. Frankly speaking呢,我對你既印象麻麻地囉。
E.g. Frankly speaking呢,我覺得你好扮野囉。
Definition: (adj) A noun-turned-adjective code-mixing term used to describe the degree of a friendship.
E.g. 你係咪同佢好friend架?
E.g. 喂,你唔好扮哂好friend咁喎。我都唔係識左你好耐。
E.g. 其實我同你唔係好friend。
Definition: (verb.) An adjective-turned-verb code-mixing term meaning to enjoy oneself.
E.g. 做人久唔久都要happy一吓先得架嘛。
E.g. 今個週末一齊去happy吓好嗎?
E.g. 聽日放工一齊去happy hour啦!
Definition: (adj.) An irreplaceable code-mixing term used to describe an unhappy state, especially when a person has been devastated by someone.
E.g. 喂,你知唔知人地係會好hurt架?
E.g. 喂,你咁講野人地係會好hurt架。
E.g. 點都好,你應該唔好hurt到人先岩。
Definition: (adj.) A code-mixing term used to describe someone or something as being very trendy.
E.g. 哇,你今日著得好IN呀。
E.g. 聽返D流行音樂,咁先夠IN架嘛。
E.g. 做後生仔要夠IN先得架嘛。
Definition: The Hong Kong way of referring to the invoice sent to customers.
E.g. 張invoice send左比個客未呀?
E.g. 喂,你咁快send左invoice黎係咪想追我數呀?
Definition: (verb) A code-mixing term meaning to continue doing or retain control of something.
E.g. 日日keep住做運動先會健康架。
E.g. 你D身材keep得幾好喎。
Definition: A way to avoid sounding too imaginative when you want to suggest things that are impossible to happen.
E.g. Let’s say你有日比人老粒左,你會點呢?
E.g. Let’s say你考試肥佬左,你會點面對你家人?
E.g. Let's say你比人打獲金,你會唔會還拖?
Definition: A convenient English phrase used by native Hong Kongers to avoid going into negative detail about someone who does not understand you.
E.g. 朋友: 喂,你講野好唔make sense喎。你:真的嗎?
E.g. 我覺得你講野make sense,不過我唔係太明。
E.g. 你講野都唔make sense,廢鬼事再聽你講。
Definition: A noun-turned-adjective code-mixing term used to describe someone who is manly.
E.g. 哇!你今日冇剃鬚好man呀!
E.g. 得閒去吓gym鍛鍊吓肌肉先至夠man架嘛。
Definition: A code-mixing term used by Hong Kongers to soften the tone when requesting for something, especially when the speaker does not want to be rejected.
E.g. 你:mind唔mind我跟返呢個客? 同事:唔mind。 (你:介唔介意我跟返呢個客? 同事:介意。)
E.g. 你:mind唔mind我坐喺到? 陌生人:唔mind。(你:介唔介意我坐喺到? 陌生人:介意。)
E.g. 你:mind唔mind等我一陣? 老細:唔mind。 (你:介唔介意等我一陣? 老細:介意。)
Definition: Derived from 'monitor', this is a highly efficient use of one's eyes to keep track of the progress of somebody or something.
Sometimes, even without the use of one's eyes.
E.g. 喂,我咪喺度做緊野囉。你唔洗成日喺度mon住我嘛!
E.g. 你:喂,大佬。你唔洗成日打電話黎mon住我嘛?!!對方:大佬?!你邊隻眼見到我mon住你呀?!!
E.g. D股市跳得咁勁要成日搵人mon住先得架。
Definition: Pronounced as 'm-tee-ah-lo', this is a code-mixing term used by the grassroot class Hong Kongers to refer to the train station.
E.g. Foreigner: Excuse me, where is the MTR?
HK'er: What?
Foreigner: Where is the 'm-tee-ah-lo'?
HK'er: Oh I understand! 'm-tee-ah-lo' is over there!
Definition: A code-mixing term used by native Hong Kongers to tell someone not to worry about something anymore, even though it may not sound polite to English speakers.
E.g. Never mind啦。我地下次再約。
E.g. Never mind啦。我自己搞得掂。
Definition: A code-mixing term used by upper class Hong Kongers to express how serious a matter is and is no joke at all.
E.g. 鍾培生:Sign the fxxking contract. No bullshit let's go.
Definition: A phrase used by native Hong Kongers to affirm that something is true or obvious, usually among friends and relatives in informal settings, especially with the particle 'la' in Cantonese.
E.g. 朋友: 今日出街記住載口罩。 你:Of course啦!
E.g. 女朋友: 哇,你好叻呀。 你:Of course啦!
E.g. 男朋友: 估唔到你咁醒目。 你:Of course啦!
Definition: A more sophisticated way of expressing chance (機會) in Cantonese, as the English term denotes prospect for advancement or success.
E.g. 好多謝貴公司今日比呢個opportunity我地黎做個presentation.
Definition: A code-mixing term that is often misused by Fake ABC's in Hong Kong to mean 'outfit'.
E.g. BB豬,我今日個outlook係咪好靚呀?
Definition: A code-mixing term used by Hong Kongers to emphasize how crowded and jam-packed a place is.
E.g. 同事:今日搭車返工多唔多人呀? 你:多呀,可以話係people mountain people sea呀。
E.g. 你:哇,人山人海呀!朋友:簡直係people mountain people sea啦!
Definition: A more informal and linguistically efficient way of saying the Cantonese equivalent term '上傳'. Often pronounced as 'po' instead of 'post'.
E.g. 喂,你今次po張相好鬼靚喎。
Definition: A more polite way to refer to a person's standpoint, as the Cantonese equivalent term '點', meaning a dot, can refer to a woman's breast.
E.g. 喂,我真係好唔明你個point喎!
Definition: A code-mixing term used by native Hong Kongers to display your level of knowledge, as if you come from higher education background.
Definition: A code-mixing term by native Hong Kongers to avoid saying the word 'like' in order to sound more professional in formal situations, or to avoid sounding biased when you like one item more than another.
E.g. 你prefer今星期邊一日interview呀?
E.g. 你prefer幾點睇戲呀?
E.g. 我prefer佢個idea多D。
Definition: An irreplaceable code-mixing term meaning to deliver a speech, as saying the Cantonese equivalent term '匯報' would sound too old school and non-colloquial.
E.g. 你幾時要present呀?
E.g. 今次份assignment難唔難present呀?
Definition: Pronounced as 'call-lee' with a rising tone on the second syllable, this code-mixing term is used by native Hong Kongers to refer to the English word 'qualification'. Often used together with the word 'show' to mean 'show off'.
E.g. 你冇qualie就唔好係到扮哂野啦。
E.g. 你唔好係到掛住show qualie啦,兄弟。
E.g. 睇唔出你咁有qualie喎。
Definition: Pronounced as 'sik-q', this is a code-mixing term used to refer to the security staff of a building.
E.g. 同我快D叫'食Q'黎!
Definition: Used to refer to setting things up in Cantonese.
E.g. 伙記:等我set好張枱先再叫你入黎啦。 客人:好呀。
E.g. 個server set up左未呀?
Definition: Pronounced as 'se-fun' with a rising tone on the second syllable, this is a shortened term used to refer to the 7-Eleven convenience store.
E.g. 今日放工記得去seven買野呀。
E.g. 我要去seven交電話費。
Definition: (adj.) insane; malfunctioning; derived from "short circuit". Often used as "sot sot deih", meaning a little insane.
E.g. "你契爺凍到short咗." "Your godfather is freezing to the point of insanity."
Definition: A shortened term for the word 'social' or 'socialise' in English, meaning different things in various situations.
E.g. 喂,你so吓人好喎?(to show that you care about others)
E.g. 喂,唔好成日掛住soD女仔啦。(to court somebody)
E.g. 喂,後生仔要出黎soso吓先得架嘛。(to socialise)
E.g. 喂,你最近好似唔係好soso喎。(adjective form)
Definition: A way to avoid losing face or embarassment when you do not know how to answer the boss's question. However, it can be considered unprofessional if used too much at a workplace.
E.g. 你:我搵過好多次,但係somehow條數搵唔到。老細:哦,係呀?(你:我搵過好多次,但係唔知點解條數搵唔到。老細:咁實有原因架喎?)
E.g. 你:個printer somehow壞左呀。老細:哦。(你:個printer唔知點解壞左呀。老細:我唔想聽到唔知點解!)
Definition: (verb) A code-mixing term that refers to describing a matter as something else, especially in politics.
E.g. 鍾培生:阿林作好鍾意將件事spin到同政治有關。
Definition: A salutation often used by overseas educated Hong Kongers to ask how somebody is doing. However, it is also often overused by Fake ABC's to strike a western impression on others.
E.g. 喂,sup man?
E.g. 偽ABC:Sup man, sup, sup, sup...人們:得喇。唔好成日唔係又sup又喺到sup啦。好煩呀。
Definition: A generic term for a number of equivalent Cantonese words used to avoid absolute certainty.
E.g. 件貨suppose今日到。(預期-expectedly/predictably)
E.g. 我suppose你係岩既。 (假設-guess)
E.g. 警察係suppose要保護市民。 (應該-should)
Definition: An a lot more gentle and caring way of telling someone to take care of themselves compared to the Cantonese equivalent.
Explanation: 你自己照顧自己—>以後你自己搞掂喇—>你自己食自己—>慘慘豬(@V@)
E.g. 媽咪要去旅行喇。你自己take care喇。
E.g. 以後take care喇。Sayorara.
Definition: Often said with an extra 'you' in Cantonese, this is a code-mixing phrase used by native Hong Kongers to make sure that the other person really gets the thank you message.
E.g. 今次搬屋真係好thank you你呀!
E.g. 恭喜發財!*逗利是* Thank you你呀!
E.g. 朋友:尋日嗰五舊水還返比你。 你:Thank you你呀!
Definition: A fancy way of saying 'so' or 'therefore' in Cantonese and to tone down the causal relationship between two items.
E.g. 係喇,你都冇同我講。That’s why我今次冇預到你份。
E.g. 你都冇比錢我。That's why我冇幫你買戲飛。
Definition: A Hong Kong style business trip where one tries to enjoy himself like going on a vacation, in addition to visiting a client for work purposes.
E.g. 老闆:下個星期你要幫我出trip見個客,知道嗎? 你:好呀!
E.g. 唔知今次出trip好唔好玩呢?
Definition: A polite way of addressing a stranger, usually a much older person, when you meet them for the first time. (Also see 'auntie')
E.g. 哈佬Uncle,nice to meet you!
E.g. 阿女,快D叫聲uncle啦。
Definition: A verb-turned-adjective code-mixing term used to describe someone or something as being very up-to-date. However, it is also sometimes used as a verb.
E.g. 你部手機好update喎。(adj.)
E.g. Update左個software未呀?(verb)
Definition: A code-mixing term meaning to further oneself's studies.
E.g. 做人要不斷upgrade自己先夠充實架嘛。
Definition: Often pronounced with a rising tone, this is a code-mixing term that is often overused by Fake ABC's in Hong Kong when they have trouble answering a question or want to avoid embarrassment.
E.g. Well,呢個問題我要諗吓先再答你。
E.g. Well,其實你都講得有道理。
Definition: A code-mixing term used by Hong Kongers to emphasize the reality of a situation, as even lovers have a working relationship sometimes. In other cases such as a workplace, it is simply to match the working atmosphere.
E.g. 你:我地之間唔係好work呀,你明唔明呀?男/女朋友:明白。(你:我地之間唔係好得呀,你明唔明呀?男/女朋友:你講緊邊方面唔得呀?!)
E.g. 你:個program唔work呀。老細:哦。(你:個program唔得呀。老細:又唔得!)
Definition: A code-mixing term that is often misused by Fake ABC's in Hong Kong to refer to something of bad quality.
E.g. 個湯凍嘅,真係好worse囉。